Thursday 14 May 2015

Rural vs. Rural

It is very difficult to pin-point the differences between Peru and Australia, as the people in rural areas have similar values and work ethics. The lives of people in rural areas from each country are based around manual labor, and the lifestyles of the people are generally guided by the weather conditions.

Hence the differences in culture are not as obvious as say, eating with chopsticks rather than a fork. It is the subtle differences that separate us. 

The main difference to me, apart from the obvious language clash, is the distinct in clothing dissimilarities.

The Peruvian women, will wear their traditional garb as can be seen below. These dresses are known as a Quechua dress, and have roots in pre-conquest Peru. The clothes worn by men have been eroded by the western influence that exists in Peru. However some older men will continue to wear knee-length hand-woven dark pants. Knee length pants are far more practical for laboring in the fields, as the cuffs of the pants are not ruined as quickly.

Women in their Quechua dresses.

In rural Australia, the clothing is far less colourful and is usually made to withstand the roughness of the conditions. Men and women will wear boots, denim jeans, a light shirt and a wide brimmed hat, as these are the most practical for the Australian rural conditions.

Rural Australian man in his work gear.

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